Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Wide Angle Close Up Work Diary

For this shoot I took pictures around the college and garden, I tried to incorporate the two elements of wide angle and close up in the same image, I took some images where the wide angle were out of focus and some where the whole shot was in focus, I am happy with some of the results I got. 


This is my favourite of the images, as I love the clarity, the lighting, I think that the focus is crisp and clear on the subject of the aeroplane, the way the lights are all blurred in the background helps to make your eyes more automatically drawn to the main subject, creating a nice tonality in the shot. The Wide angle element of the shot is obviously the room, the close up (the aeroplane), the frame of the image is perfect in representing both elements and how they work together as a composition. The contrast is really stark and strong in the shot, there are lots of different tones of green, this is very aesthetically pleasing against the bright light and white backdrop, there are also a few leading lines in the composition, the main subject being an interesting shape has many lines in different directions, but one of the main lines that catches the viewers attention is in the middle of the shot; the lights moving down the centre of the shot, illuminating the whole image and drawing attention to different elements. I took the image without a tripod and close up maybe in future I could improve the image by having a higher ISO as the image is very heavy and dark, which can be seen as negative to the composition.


This is my least favourite image, because of the overexposed look of light and the lack of defintion, however it is a good representation of wide angle and close up in an image. I particularly like the camera angle used as I took it from a low angle as to capture the close up subjective of the leaves against the wide backdrop of the building. The frame of the shot includes the top part of the leaves covering the backdrop of the overexposed building, the lines in the composition look strange yet interesting as the leading lines are not  quite horizontal or vertical, but both diagonally slanted, adding an interesting layer to the shot. Factors that could improve the shot are making sure the levels of light in the image, turning down the iso, blurring out the backdrop.

Since I want to do documentary style as my photography project, wide angle close up shooting may be very useful as generally street photography is something I want to focus on in my project so I imagine that this shooting technique may be very effective at shooting context, such as portraiture with a backdrop or showing the relation between a main subject and the backdrop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi George, I do not think you have captured true Macro photographs as you are not close enough to the subject and probably do not have the right lens, this post should be redone.. I suggest trying the Macro lens in the studio.
