Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Blur Image Bank

The colour in this image is really effective in showing blur, as the moving subject caught in the image is the red car, this really helps to draw in viewers attention, and distance the blur from the very clear static shot of the backdrop of buildings. The photo has a very old feel, perhaps it is an old film shot that has been edited to put colour into the car, giving the shot a new lease of life. The contrast is most strong in the backdrop with all the different tones of the houses, this is emphasised by the fact its in black and white, the red car also contrasts strongly because of how eye catching the colour is, in comparison to the rest of the shot. 

In the shot, the backdrop is out of focus opposed to the subject being the man on the bike, The interesting parts of the picture are the parts of light exposure in the shot, the yellow/orange light is really strong and eye catching, it looks as though it could have captured the lights on a car as it passed by in part of the image. The red mac that the man is wearing helps to automatically draw attention to the subject, as the rest of the shot is out of focus and quite bland in colour. 

All the lights from the cars in the backdrop of this image is blurred in the distance, this gives a very dreamy effect of yellows and white spheres In the distance, this is done by the photographer focusing only on the glass cola bottle, the cola bottle is also very effective as because its transparent it lets light through, giving a cool effect, as we are able to see the same lights in the backdrop as we can through the main subject. The overall colour is very aesthetically pleasing, as there are lots of different elements to the composition. 

The use of long exposure in this image creates a blur of colour brought about by the movement of cars on the road, the effect is simple and yet beautiful, the fact that the image has been created at might with a bright sunset helps to contrast and make the picture become even more vibrant. The curve shows the movement of the cars and direction that they take on the road. 

This image is different as the whole picture is blurred, it is overall very eery, the atmosphere is spiritual and forboding. Part of the light in the tunnels is turquoise, this is really pretty, the over light that is let in to the arches helps contrast against the shadow and overall darkness of the image. The positioning of where the image has been taken fro makes the viewer feel as thought they are in the scene, viewing what is witnessed in the image. 

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